Quick way to high - Many women and men in this world who feel less confident in appearance due to a less ideal posture. Including high-posture is one less problem and usually the cause of the problem is due to hereditary factors (genetic) but not forever why hereditary factors that continue to be the trigger, so do not be afraid there are many ways to achieve them really.

Body with an ideal height of everyone's dream. Different height velocity increment of each person depending on our respective businesses. Before I say quick tips on how to elevate the body needs to know a few things below.Factors that influence height1. Simply Nutrition. Make sure we adequacy of protein, fats, vitamins (like vitamin A and D) and minerals (like iron, calcium, zinc and iodine) because it greatly affects the elevation gain.2. Heredity factors also determine a person's height. Parents who have a high potential of having an ideal body open with a height of children as well.3. Function of growth hormone stimulates bone growth. Thyroid hormone is required for the smooth process metabolismetubuh. Sex hormones, which consists of the hormone estrogen, progesterone and androgen, served in the process of sexual maturation.4. Environmental support. Lack of immunization, considerable affection and economic needs can affect appetite, health needs. So the process of elevation gain was inhibited.Body with an ideal height of everyone's dream. Different height velocity increment of each person depending on our respective businesses. Before I say quick tips on how to elevate the body needs to know a few things below.

Factor is1. Simply Nutrition. Make sure we adequacy of protein, fats, vitamins (like vitamin A and D) and minerals (like iron, calcium, zinc and iodine) because it greatly affects the elevation gain.2. Heredity factors also determine a person's height. Parents who have a high potential of having an ideal body open with a height of children as well.3. Function of growth hormone stimulates bone growth. Thyroid hormone is required for the smooth process metabolismetubuh. Sex hormones, which consists of the hormone estrogen, progesterone and androgen, served in the process of sexual maturation.4. Environmental support. Lack of immunization, considerable affection and economic needs can affect appetite, health needs. So the process of elevation gain was inhibited.Activities that can optimize height

1. Stretching: stretching movements. So that the bone-lengthening spine interested. If the movement is done regularly and intensively then it can help stimulate the addition of the long bones of the back.2. Hanging: dependent with both hands. This movement is very stimulating elongation of the bones back.3. Kicking: kicking her legs. This movement stimulates bone growth so that the elongated legs optimally.4. Cycling: cycling may stimulate the length of the foot. Tread the pedals are flat, do not tiptoe. Back straight, not bent. If every day of cycling in a considerable distance, can help stimulate the length of the foot.5. Swim: The swim time, whole body experience stretches from the body to toe. In addition, almost swimming movements involving all body muscles.6. Basketball or volleyball very well stimulate the growth of the body. because the body often do leap-leap upwards. Springboard against gravity, causing stretching the entire body.